26th Annual Sturgeon Bay
Bed & Breakfast Christmas Walk
Poster and Ticket1 Design Source was approached by the people who run the Sturgeon Bay Bed & Breakfast Christmas Walk to redesign their poster and ticket for the upcoming 2009 event. They were looking for something with more color than previous years as well as a new look. So with little less than a week to get things designed, edited, and completed, I created two designs for the poster to choose from with the winner being the above selection (green starlight Christmas tree) and the opposing design pictured right (bulb ornaments).

From there the ticket design followed suite of the poster design, but in black-and-white for cheaper reproduction costs. It included a detailed map of the area showing the locations of the eight B&B's to be toured, as well as other information about the event. And to round out the campaign's marketing efforts, a newspaper advertisement was also created to match.

Here's the flyer/poster in action as seen in one of the storefronts along 3rd Avenue in Sturgeon Bay on November 9th.